Large-scale production of Pero-Si tandems in the future is expected to use Si wafers thinner than 100 μm for both economic and sustainability reasons

We forecast that Si bottom cells for mass produced Pero-Si tandems will be based on wafers thinner than 100 μm

In our work we study challenges and opportunities related to this likely wafer thinning for the performance of the SHJ bottom cells operating in Perovskite shadow

We study SHJ cells prepared on 80 μm thick wafers in comparison to the reference cells based on 135 μm thick wafers addressing two issues: passivation and light management

We show that major wafer thickness reduction of 40% turns to only approx. 0.35%abs loss in the bottom cell efficiency

minor loss can be reduced even further using highly technological ITO/MgF2/Ag back reflector and MgF2 anti-reflection coating

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These findings suggest that adopting 80 μm wafers is a viable approach for developing mass-produced Pero-Si tandems.



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