What’s next for New Bedford’s offshore wind terminal?

Source New Bedford Light

New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal cost taxpayers about $113 million and was completed in 2015

empty until 2023

Since its design and construction, a lot has changed: wind projects were delayed or canceled; bigger specialty ports have come online or are due to finish construction by 2026; and turbines have grown substantially in size

three offshore wind developers released their new project bids for New England, two of them proposed using marshaling ports in Salem or New London. And the one that proposed using New Bedford’s port also included options for doing the work at those other ports.

15 megawatts. To marshal those projects, they plan to use ports in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Salem

wind marshaling ports in the U.S. will range from 30 to about 80 acres, though the report states the industry is beginning to prefer sites of at least 50 acres

“Salem is on the larger end of terminals in the wind space. It’s an advantage in that it allows us to store more and larger components.”

terminal would have separate spaces for simultaneous loading in and loading out of components, as well as roll on/roll off access with ramps for larger items, like monopiles, that could also be stored on site.



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