Commercial Solar Guy, a solar power construction, consulting, and development company, is on the lookout for an additional 15 megawatts–approximately 75 acres–of land to lease in New York state for solar farm expansion.

Commercial Solar Guy has recently signed a deal to deliver a portfolio of 101 megawatts of community solar projects in upstate New York. The projects, situated on private lands, will generate hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in lease payment to the landowners, amounting to nearly $15 million over the next twenty five years.

Land lease for solar farm - picture shows a few acres of solar power arrays

Roughly 35% of these solar power plants will be constructed on brownfields, at the site of a factory explosion that occurred decades ago. The projects will generate millions of dollars in tax revenue to local towns throughout their 25 to 35 year lifetimes.

To construct the projects, the company will pay over $40 million to local electricians, machine operators, excavators, concrete teams, fence installers and specialist installers. Furthermore, they will allocate around $20 million for upgrading the local power grid, enhancing its capacity to handle complex weather conditions and deliver resilient, distributed solar electricity generation to the local population. The company will also procure a significant portion of materials locally, including fencing, wire, tools, engineering services, vehicles, steel, electronics, and more.

Construction workers carry a solar panel during installation

Seeking 100 Acres of Land Lease for Solar Farms

Commercial Solar Guy is actively searching for an additional three to four sites, each spanning 20 to 40 acres, to complete this portfolio. For landowners interested in leasing land for a solar farm, Commercial Solar Guy offers 25 to 35-year lease agreements at $1,300 per acre per year. If you believe your land is viable for a solar power installation, reach out to our land agent:

Contact Us or email us using NewYork @ or call 508-499-9786.

To determine whether your land is suitable for a solar power project, consult the local Solar Power “Hosting Capacity Map.” The regional map for New York State Gas & Electric can be found here. Maps for other regions of the state are available at the bottom of this page, provided by the power company.

After locating your land on the map by entering its address, check for colored lines nearby. If there are no colored lines, ensure you are using the correct power company map.

Next, compare the colored lines near your land to the legend on the map. The colored lines represent power lines and their potential solar power capacity.

This map legend shows the color-coding of 3-phase lines based on their potential capacity to carry electricity.

If your land has blue lines and spans over 25 acres, it might be suitable, as are dark green lines near plots over 15 acres. 

The community solar projects are part of New York’s NY-Sun program, which supports NYSERDA’s goal of deploying 10 gigawatts of distributed solar power. The state has already deployed over a hundred thousand small solar power projects, totalling more than 3,000 megawatts of solar power capacity. Commercial Solar Guy’s projects are included in the pipeline of another 3,000+ megawatts of projects in progress.

This map of New York State shows New York's total capacity vs capacity in the pipeline in MW DC. It also includes data on the number of complete vs pipeline projects, and the expected annual production of completed projects vs pipeline projects in GWh

Commercial Solar Guy, a New England-based solar power construction, consulting, and development company, boasts extensive experience across the United States. The company has successfully executed rooftop solar projects, parking lot solar, ground-mounted installations, and battery-integrated systems for both private business and public entities. We develop utility scale projects under CSG Developers.

We also build small solar power projects in southeastern Massachusetts via our residential company – Whaling City Solar.

Picture shows a few acres of solar power arrays, mounted on a land lease for solar farm, some snow on the ground

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